Kathi Cameron,
Mental Health & Human Performance
What is Exercise Rx for Mental Health?
Did you know that currently, research in exercise science and mental health has determined exercise is as effective in treating depression and anxiety as medication? What's more, exercise prescriptions vary depending upon the client's mental health challenge. From depression, anxiety, to PTSD, eating disorders, and trauma, prescribed exercise can not only strengthen client resiliency, but can increase confidence, self-worth, and widen the window of emotional tolerance. In other words, we are more able to withstand a greater level of stress when we have a greater level of fitness.
Below is a step by step process of integrating exercise into coaching, counselling, or therapy. If you are not interested in counselling but would like to explore how exercise can support your mental health we can apply a coaching approach to the model below. If you are looking for counselling or therapy and would like to integrate exercise into your treatment plan, the same model will be applied in tandem with counselling.
While I cannot serve as a personal trainer, I can offer an exercise prescription that will serve as a mental health support. Clients will be provided an option for referral to an exercise physiologist, kinesiologist, or personal trainer in their community to ensure proper technique, safety, and injury prevention.
This service can be provided in person or online.
What can I offer you?
Taking Inventory
This initial step will provide me with necessary information to help to create both exercise prescription and plan for adhering to it. Information related to current mental health challenges, history, general nervous system activation, history of exercise, and general lifestyle information will be addressed.
This program is based upon the understanding of the Polyvagal Theory and the integration of Somatic therapy into this practice.
Slow and Steady
It's one thing to know what to do and another to actually do it. This component of mental health support will address a wide variety of strategies that will help guide the client to a life long and healthy relationship with exercise.
Clients will receive tailored handouts, inventories, and other tools to prevent "falling off the wagon". Integrating counselling strategies will help to address negative beliefs, body image issues, and other common perceptions that get in the way of exercise adherence.
Exercise Rx for Mental Health
This final step will include the creation of an exercise prescription that will speak specifically to your mental health challenge.
This process will vary client to client dependant of mental health challenges. Prescriptions will be different for those with complex trauma than those with generalized anxiety.
Each prescription will include an action plan for exercise adherence and a progressive program for the exercises included. Clients will be provided with a list of exercise physiologists, kinesiologist, and/or personal trainers in their area. Even through one or two sessions, clients will benefit from learning proper technique, safety, and injury reduction strategies.