Kathi Cameron,
Mental Health & Human Performance
Sports Psychology & Leadership
Psychological safety is imperative to ensure peak performance from athletes and coaches, alike. Additionally, it is becoming increasingly important to offer trauma-informed approaches to coaching and leadership in sport. I offer unique curriculums that not only speak to the individual needs of each sport and athlete, but are based upon the understanding of human behaviour through the lens of neuroscience. From that knowledge base, I integrate both sport and clinical psychology to create a more comprehensive learning opportunity for both coach and athlete.
All topics can be offered as a workshop, course, or keynote. If you do not see the topic you are looking for please reach out and we can chat about creating something that speaks to the needs of your organization or group.
Psychological Safety in Coaching
Coaching and Trauma-Informed Leadership
Promoting Healthy Relationships in Sport
Harassment Prevention in Sport
For more information or to book, please reach out to Kathi at info@kathicameron.com.
If you would like brief overview of previous clients, check out my "Speaking CV" under "Groups"